Saint Dymphna’s Playbook
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
130 episodes of Saint Dymphna’s Playbook since the first episode, which aired on June 8th, 2019.
114: Can Anxious Kids Find Hope in the Saints?
February 26th, 2022 | Season 6 | 15 mins 43 secs
blessed william carter, exorcism, misdiagnosis, panic attack, saints
Tommy talks about the problem of misdiagnosis in children of color, introduces listeners to Blessed William Carter, and answers listener questions about the role of exorcism in a Catholic understanding of mental illness, how kids with mental health symptoms can find hope and support in the saints, and how to help a loved one in the midst of a panic attack.
113: Compulsive Behaviors and Sin
February 19th, 2022 | Season 6 | 20 mins 3 secs
anticipatory grief, compulsive behaviors, culpability, saint charles of sezze, simone biles, sin
Tommy talks about the continued impact of Simone Biles on the mental health of athletes, introduces listeners to Saint Charles of Sezze, and answers listener questions about how to cope with anticipatory grief, how to understand sin and culpability in relation to compulsive behaviors, and how to help a spouse seek help when they aren't motivated.
112: Mental Health and Social Media
February 12th, 2022 | Season 6 | 18 mins 25 secs
childhood abuse, emotional health, gender dysphoria, saint mary angela truszkowska, wordle
Tommy talks about the psychological reasons for the popularity of Wordle, introduces listeners to Saint Mary Angela Truszkowska, and answers listener questions about if we should share about our mental health on social media, the pain caused by gender dysphoria not being taken seriously in our church, how early childhood abuse can impact the emotional health of men in adulthood.
111: Am I Truly Sorry For My Sins?
February 5th, 2022 | Season 6 | 17 mins 8 secs
depression, exercise, imposter syndrome, news, saint angela merici, sin
Tommy talks about how physical exercise improves depression, introduces listeners to Saint Angela Merici, and answers listener questions about how to know if we're actually sorry for our sins, how to recognize and fight back against imposter syndrome, and how to be okay with unplugging from all the bad news.
110: Cheating OCD And What To Do About It
December 25th, 2021 | Season 5 | 18 mins 24 secs
irrational fears, marriage, saint sabbas, simone biles, vocation
Tommy talks about the new mental health startup led by Simone Biles, introduces listeners to Saint Sabbas, and answers listener questions about how to find peace when we still haven't found our vocation, how to know when a spouse isn't interested in rebuilding a relationship, and how to work through irrational and baseless fears about our spouse cheating on us.
109: Mental Illness and Demonic Possession
December 18th, 2021 | Season 5 | 17 mins 16 secs
addiction, blessed rafal chylinski, demonic possession, mood disorders, shame
Tommy talks about research into a blood test hoping to help with diagnosing mood disorders, introduces listeners to Blessed Rafal Chylinski, and answers listener questions about how to respond when someone suggests that a mental illness might be demonic possession, how to have difficult conversations with our young children, and how to battle feelings of shame and guilt when recovering from addiction.
108: When Silence Makes Us Anxious
December 11th, 2021 | Season 5 | 18 mins 21 secs
affairs, anxiety, gender identity, healing, saint james of the marches, silence
Tommy talks about the importance of supporting the mental health of kids and young adults, introduces listeners to Saint James of the Marches, and answers listener questions about how to find healing after an affair, what to do when sitting in silence makes us feel anxious, and how to walk with a child who has questions about gender identity.
107: Helping a Scrupulous Partner
December 4th, 2021 | Season 5 | 23 mins 27 secs
blessed eustochium of padua, counseling, religious ocd, scrupulosity
Tommy talks about Selena Gomez's new mental health venture, introduces listeners to Blessed Eustochium of Padua, and answers listener questions about how to help someone after you've referred them to counseling, how to help a family member who doesn't want help, and how to support a partner who is experiencing religious OCD.
106: When the Church Gets it Wrong on Suicide
November 27th, 2021 | Season 5 | 16 mins 29 secs
anxiety, confession, pope francis, saint agnes of assisi, suicide, trauma, wounds of christ
Tommy talks about Pope Francis' prayer intention for the month of November, introduces listeners to Saint Agnes of Assisi, and answers listener questions about how the experience of trauma might impact our ability to meditate on the wounds of Christ, how to know when we might need medication for anxiety, and how to respond when our parish hands out a pamphlet that gets it wrong on suicide.
105: What's a Crisis Plan and How do I Make One?
November 20th, 2021 | Season 5 | 22 mins 25 secs
marriage, saint margaret of scotland, suicide, therapy
Tommy talks about how to create a personal plan for times of crisis, introduces listeners to Saint Margaret of Scotland, and answers listener questions about how to recognize if a therapist is bad or unethical, how to cope with not being on the same page in marriage, and how to support a friend who is contemplating suicide while still taking care of ourselves.
104: Did Adam and Eve Have Anxiety?
November 13th, 2021 | Season 5 | 14 mins 38 secs
covid, nightmares, ptsd, saint gertrude the great
Tommy talks about the why God would allow us to suffer from mental illness, introduces listeners to Saint Gertrude the Great, and answers listener questions about how to cope with anxiety-caused nightmares, how to help a daughter experiencing symptoms related to PTSD, and how to engage in our faith when we feel like our local parish isn't doing enough to keep us safe.
103: When The News Robs Our Mental Wellbeing
November 6th, 2021 | Season 5 | 16 mins 38 secs
autism, blessed bartholomew of vicenza, consumerism, godparenting, news, social media
Tommy talks about the how to use social media in a way that protects our mental health, introduces listeners to Blessed Bartholomew of Vicenza, and answers listener questions about how to maintain our mental health when the news is so negative, how we should deal with our consumer-driven society as Catholics, and how a Godparent can help a a child with autism grow closer to Christ.
102: How Do I Stop Comparing Myself to Others?
October 30th, 2021 | Season 5 | 16 mins 59 secs
comparison, marriage, saint alphonsus rodriguez, scrupulosity
Tommy talks about how to stop comparing ourselves to those around us, introduces listeners to Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez, and answers listener questions about the difference between scrupulosity and genuine spiritual concern, how to help a family member understand that mental illness isn't about being weak, and how often a couple should have a big check-in conversation to make sure they're on the same page.
101: When I Need To Walk Out of Mass
October 23rd, 2021 | Season 5 | 24 mins 29 secs
blessed frédéric ozanam, mass, narcissistic personality disorder
Tommy talks about the how to get our prayer life back on track in the context of mental health symptoms, introduces listeners to Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and answers listener questions about how the Church can better love people when mental health struggles impact their faith, how to address the need to walk out of Mass due to anxiety, and how to cope with a roommate who may have Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
100: Do I need a Catholic Therapist?
October 16th, 2021 | Season 5 | 20 mins 2 secs
adhd, blessed claudio granzotto, impulsive behavior
Tommy talks about the idea of wanting to see a Catholic therapist, introduces listeners to Blessed Claudio Granzotto, and answers listener questions about how to take care of our mental health with all the bad news around us, why those of us with ADHD seem to engage in impulsive behavior, and how to help those around us understand our mental health experience and needs.
99: How Do We Know When a Therapist is Bad?
October 9th, 2021 | Season 5 | 16 mins 47 secs
burnout, military deployment, saint giles, teachers, therapy
Tommy talks about Apple's plan to use iPhones to screen for depression, introduces listeners to Saint Giles, and answers listener questions about how families can cope with military deployment, how teachers can avoid burnout, and how to recognize when a therapist might not be a good fit.